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Caretech Attends the HCAOA Conference in Chicago

Caretech attended the Homecare Association of America (HCAOA) conference in Chicago on October 23 and 24.

The national conferences facilitates dialogue on all issues related to personal care and is the centerpiece of HCAOAs ongoing commitment to help agencies grow and enhance their care to meet the growing needs of older Americans and individuals with disabilities.

Notably, the conference was attended by over 2,000 people representing home care providers and vendors from across almost all 50 states. Caretech was one of the few providers from Nebraska providing a voice to our vastly different geography, population characteristics and local culture and advocating for the needs of our seniors and disabled.

Caretech Attends HCAOA Conference

If you or an aging loved one are considering Home Care in Omaha, NE, please contact the caring staff at Caretech today at (402) 697-5121
Caretech provides the best care services for seniors and families throughout Nebraska including Omaha, Lincoln, Bellevue, Grand Island, Kearney, Fremont, Norfolk, Hastings, Columbus, Papillon, North Platte, La Vista, Scottsbluff, South Sioux City, Beatrice, Lexington, Chalco, Gretna, Gering, York, and surrounding areas.
Caretech Attends HCAOA Conference

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